Sunday 11 August 2013

COBOL Run-Time Performace Part 2.

TEST : The TEST option specifies the conditions under which Debug Tool assumes control when the user application is invoked. Since this may result in Debug Tool being initialized and invoked, there may be some additional overhead when using TEST. Specifying NOTEST will eliminate this overhead.

TRAP : The TRAP option allows LE to intercept an abnormal termination (abend), provide the abend information,  and then terminate the LE run-time environment. TRAP(ON) also assures that all files are closed when an abend is encountered and is required for proper handling of the ON SIZE ERROR clause of arithmetic statements for overflow conditions. TRAP(OFF) prevents LE from intercepting the abend. In general, there will not be any significant impact on the performance of a COBOL application when using TRAP(ON).

VCTRSAVE : The VCTRSAVE option specifies whether any language in the application uses the vector facility when the user-provided condition handlers are called. When the condition handlers use the vector facility, the entire vector environment has to be saved on every condition and restored upon return to the application code. Unless you need the function provided by VCTRSAVE(ON), you should run with VCTRSAVE(OFF) to avoid this overhead.

Created with Artisteer

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