Sunday 11 August 2013

COBOL SSRANGE Compiler Option.

Using SSRANGE generates additional code to verify that all subscripts, indexes, and reference modification expressions do not refer to data beyond the bounds of the subject data item.
This in-line code occurs at every reference to a subscripted or variable-length data item, as well as at every reference modification expression, and it can result in some degradation at run time.
In general, if you need to verify the subscripts only a few times in the application instead of at every reference, coding your own checks may be faster than using the SSRANGE option.
For performance sensitive applications, NOSSRANGE is recommended.
Performance considerations using SSRANGE:
On the average, SSRANGE with the run-time option CHECK(ON) was 1% slower than NOSSRANGE, with a range of equivalent to 27% slower.
On the average, SSRANGE with the run-time option CHECK(OFF) was 1% slower than NOSSRANGE, with a range of equivalent to 9% slower.
On the average, SSRANGE with the run-time option CHECK(ON) was 1% slower than SSRANGE with the run-time option CHECK(OFF) with a range of equivalent to 16% slower.

Created with Artisteer

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