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When you request information from the database, it’s usually in the form of a
question or a statement that implies a question.
For example, you might formulate
statements such as these:
“Which cities do our customers live in?” “Show me a current list of our employees and their phone numbers.” “What kind of classes do we currently offer?” “Give me the names of the folks on our staff and the dates they were hired."
After you know what you want to ask, you can translate your request into a
more formal statement.You compose the translation using this form:
After you know what you want to ask, you can translate your request into a
more formal statement.You compose the translation using this form:
Select from the
Start by looking at your request and replacing words or phrases such as “list,”
“show me,” “what,” “which,” and “who” with the word “Select.” Next, identify
any nouns in your request, and determine whether a given noun represents an
item you want to see or the name of a table in which an item might be stored.
If it’s an item, use it as a replacement for in the translation statement. If
it’s a table name, use it as a replacement for . If you translate the first
question listed earlier, your statement looks something like this:
Select city from the customers table
After you define your translation statement, you need to turn it into a fullfledged
SELECT statement using the SQL syntax shown in Figure 4–4. The first step, however, is to clean up your translation statement. You do so by
crossing out any word that is not a noun representing the name of a column
or table or that is not a word specifically used in the SQL syntax. Here’s how
the translation statement looks during the process of cleaning it up:
Select city from the customers table
Remove the words you’ve crossed out, and you now have a complete SELECT
SELECT City FROM Customers
You can use the three-step technique we just presented on any request you
send to your database. In fact,we use this technique throughout most of the
book, and we encourage you to use it while you’re beginning to learn how to
build these statements. However, you’ll eventually merge these steps into one
seamless operation as you get more accustomed to writing SELECT statements.
Remember that you’ll work mostly with columns and tables when you’re
beginning to learn how to use SQL. The syntax diagram in Figure 4–4 reflects
this fact by using column_name in the SELECT clause and table_name in the
FROM clause. In the next chapter,you’ll learn how to use other terms in these
clauses to create more complex SELECT statements.
You probably noticed that the request we used in the previous example is relatively
straightforward. It was easy to both redefine it as a translation statement
and identify the column names that were present in the statement.
what if a request is not as straightforward and easy to translate,and it’s difficult
to identify the columns you need for the SELECT clause? The easiest course of
action is to refine your request and make it more specific. For example, you
can refine a request such as “Show me the information on our clients” by
recasting it more clearly as “List the name, city, and phone number for each of our clients.”
If refining the request doesn’t solve the problem, you still have
two other options. Your first alternative is to determine whether the table
specified in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement contains any column
names that can help to clarify the request and thus make it easier to define a
translation statement.
Your second alternative is to examine the request more
closely and determine whether a word or phrase it contains implies any column
names. Whether you can use either or both alternatives depends on the
request itself. Just remember that you do have techniques available when you
find it difficult to define a translation statement. Let’s look at an example of
each technique and how you can apply it in a typical scenario.
To illustrate the first technique, let’s say you’re trying to translate the following
“I need the names and addresses of all our employees.”
This looks like a straightforward request on the surface. But if you review this
request again,you’ll find one minor problem: Although you can determine the
table you need (Employees) for the translation statement, there’s nothing
within the request that helps you identify the specific columns you need for
the SELECT clause.
Although the words “names” and “addresses” appear in
the request, they are terms that are general in nature.You can solve this problem
by reviewing the table you identified in the request and determining
whether it contains any columns you can substitute for these terms. If so, use
the column names in the translation statement. (You can opt to use generic
versions of the column names in the translation statement if it will help you
visualize the statement more clearly. However, you will need to use the actual
column names in the SQL syntax.) In this case, look for column names in the
Employees table shown in Figure 4–5 that could be used in place of the words
“names” and “addresses.”
To fully satisfy the need for “names” and “addresses,” you will indeed use six
columns from this table. EmpFirstName and EmpLastName will both replace
“names” in the request, and EmpStreetAddress, EmpCity, EmpState, and
EmpZipCode will replace “addresses.” Now, apply the entire translation
process to the request, which we’ve repeated for your convenience. (We’ll
use generic forms of the column names for the translation statement and the
actual column names in the SQL syntax.)
“I need the names and addresses of all our employees.” Translation Select first name, last name, street address, city, state, and ZIP
Code from the employees table Clean Up Select first name, last name, street address, city, state, and ZIP
Code from the employees table SQL SELECT EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, EmpStreetAddress,
EmpCity, EmpState, EmpZipCode
FROM Employees
The next example illustrates the second technique, which involves searching
for implied columns within the request. Let’s assume you’re trying to put the
following request through the translation process.
“What kind of classes do we currently offer?”
At first glance, it might seem difficult to define a translation statement from
this request. The request doesn’t indicate any column names, and without
even one item to select, you can’t create a complete translation statement.
What do you do now? Take a closer look at each word in the request and
determine whether there is one that implies a column name within the
Classes table. Before you read any further, take a moment to study the request
again. Can you find such a word?
In this case, the word “kind” might imply a column name in the Classes table.
Why? Because a kind of class can also be thought of as a category of class. If
there is a category column in the Classes table, then you have the column name you need to complete the translation statement and, by inference, the
SELECT statement. Let’s assume that there is a category column in the Classes
table and take the request through the three-step process once again.
“What kind of classes do we currently offer?” Translation Select category from the classes table Clean Up Select category fromthe classes table SQL SELECT Category
FROM Classes
As the example shows, this technique involves using synonyms as replacements
for certain words or phrases within the request. If you identify a word
or phrase that might imply a column name, try to replace it with a synonym.
The synonym you choose might indeed identify a column that exists in the
database. However, if the first synonym that comes to mind doesn’t work, try
another. Continue this process until you either find a synonym that does identify
a column name or until you’re satisfied that neither the original word nor
any of its synonyms represent a column name.
I come accross this informative topic in SQL QUERIES FOR MERE MORTALS II Edition by John L. Viescas and Michael J. Hernandez.
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