Saturday 14 September 2013

Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2: Enhancing Database Retrieval Efficiency.

In the world of database management, the efficiency, and performance of an application are very important. If the database performance is not good, then it will certainly impact the overall application performance. To enhance the DB2 database performance IBM has introduced the concept of row-set positioning. DB2 rowset positioning can significantly boost your program's efficiency. 

In this article, we'll deep dive into what rowset positioning in DB2, how they work, and how you can utilize them to optimize your database operations. Also, explore its benefits and drawbacks, and provide insights into best practices and troubleshooting.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction.
  • Understanding Cursors and Rowset Positioning.
  • How to Use Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2
  • Advantages of Using Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2
  • Disadvantages of Using Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2
  • Real-world Example of Cursor with Rowset Positioning
  • Performance Impact of Cursor with Rowset Positioning
  • Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2 vs. Other Database Systems
  • Comparing with Oracle
  • Comparing with SQL Server
  • Best Practices for Utilizing Cursor with Rowset Positioning
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Efficient data retrieval is essential for applications that deal with large volumes of data, especially mainframe applications. Traditional methods of fetching data row by row using individual SQL queries can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. This is where the concept of DB2 cursor with rowset positioning comes into play. 

A cursor is a database object that allows you to iterate through a set of rows. A rowset-positioned cursor is a cursor that can return multiple rows for a single fetch operation. This can be useful for applications that need to process large amounts of data efficiently.

Understanding Cursors and Rowset Positioning.

Cursor with rowset positioning combines the advantages of rowset processing and cursor navigation. It allows fetching a group of rows, known as a rowset, and navigating through them using the cursor.

In the DB2 database, a cursor acts as a pointer to a specific row of data within a result set. It allows for sequential processing of query results. Rowset positioning, on the other hand, involves fetching multiple rows into a buffer, thus reducing the number of round trips between the application and the database. 

Types of Cursors Supported in DB2.

  1. Forward-Only Cursors: Forward-only cursors allow sequential traversal of rows in one direction. They are optimal for scenarios where data manipulation occurs in a linear fashion.
  2. Scroll Cursors: Scroll cursors offer greater flexibility by enabling both forward and backward movement within the result set. This is useful when navigating through the data in a non-linear manner.
  3. Sensitive Cursors: Sensitive cursors are designed to reflect changes made to the underlying data while the cursor is open. This ensures that the cursor provides the most up-to-date information.
  4. Insensitive Cursors: Insensitive cursors, on the other hand, retain a snapshot of the data as it existed when the cursor was opened. This prevents the cursor from reflecting changes made by other transactions.

How to use Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2.

Any application can use a cursor that has a rowset positioning feature. To utilize it, follow these basic steps:
  1. Declare the Cursor: Define the cursor, specifying its type and characteristics.
  2. Open the Cursor: Execute the query and open the cursor to establish a result set.
  3. Fetch Rows: Fetch a predetermined number of rows into the rowset buffer.
    • Process the Rowset: Iterate through the rows in the rowset buffer and perform the required operations.
    • Repeat: Continue fetching and processing rows until the entire result set is covered.
  4. Close the Cursor: Finally, close the cursor after completing the processing. 

Advantages of Using Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2

There are several benefits to utilizing the DB2 Cursor with rowset positioning, such as:
  • Reduced Round-Trips: Minimized communication between application and database.
  • Improved Performance: Efficient use of network and resources.
  • Enhanced Scalability: Particularly beneficial for large datasets.

Disadvantages of Using Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2

Using a cursor with rowset positioning has its drawbacks. One of these is that it can lead to more complex code. Another drawback is that it can limit the scalability of your application.
  • Memory Consumption: The rowset buffer can consume significant memory.
  • Data Consistency: Updates to data during cursor operation can lead to inconsistencies.
  • Complexity: Requires careful handling and management.

The syntax for Declaring and Using a Cursor.

To use this feature you must DECLARE your cursor with the WITH ROWSET POSITIONING parameter.


To handle multiple rows, it is important to define the appropriate structure of the host variable, which could be an array. This will allow the fetch row to be placed in the variable for processing.
For example

DB2 Cursor Rowset positioning can be combined with a scrollable cursor to deliver very flexible and efficient data access. The same FIRST, LAST, NEXT, etc. keywords are applicable for the rowset positioning cursor, but you need to suffix each keyword with a "ROWSET" keyword, for example, FIRST ROWSET, NEXT ROWSET, etc.

Real-world Example of Cursor with Rowset Positioning

Consider an e-commerce platform that needs to generate sales reports. By using a cursor with rowset positioning, the platform can fetch batches of sales data and perform calculations without constantly querying the database.

Performance Impact of Cursor with Rowset Positioning

The performance impact depends on factors like rowset size, network latency, and database load. Proper configuration and testing are vital to gauge the impact accurately.

Cursor with Rowset Positioning in DB2 vs. Other Database Systems

  • Compared with Oracle: DB2's cursor with rowset positioning offers similar benefits as Oracle's approach. However, the implementation details and syntax may vary.

  • Comparing with SQL Server: SQL Server provides its own mechanisms for efficient data retrieval. While rowset positioning is not identical, the concept aligns with the goal of minimizing round trips.

Best Practices for Utilizing Cursor with Rowset Positioning

The following are the best practices that must be followed while using Cursor with rowset positioning. 
  • Optimal Rowset Size: Experiment with rowset sizes to find the balance between memory usage and performance.
  • Transaction Management: Properly manage transactions to maintain data integrity.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error-handling mechanisms to address unexpected scenarios.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

The following are the common issues that you must encounter when you're dealing with the Cursor with rowset positioning. 
  • Memory Overheads: Monitor memory usage when dealing with large row sets.
  • Locking and Concurrency: Be cautious of potential locking issues when updating data.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Identify and address any performance bottlenecks in the rowset processing.


In the realm of DB2 database management, the cursor with rowset positioning stands as a powerful tool for enhancing data retrieval and manipulation efficiency. By intelligently fetching and navigating through rows, it optimizes resource utilization and processing speed. Integrating this feature into your data management strategy could unlock new levels of performance and precision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the primary benefit of using a cursor with rowset positioning?

A1: The primary benefit is improved processing speed and reduced resource contention due to the efficient handling of multiple rows in a single fetch.

Q2: Can I use rowset positioning with sensitive cursors?

A2: Yes, rowset positioning can be employed with both sensitive and insensitive cursors, offering flexibility based on your data requirements.

Q3: Is rowset positioning suitable for real-time data scenarios?

A3: While rowset positioning offers performance advantages, it may not be ideal for scenarios requiring instantaneous data reflection, such as high-frequency transactional systems.

Q4: What factors should I consider when configuring rowset size?

A4: Rowset size should be determined based on available memory, expected result set size, and overall system performance.

Q5: How does rowset positioning compare to traditional cursor navigation?

A5: Rowset positioning significantly reduces the overhead associated with cursor navigation, leading to enhanced performance and more efficient resource utilization.

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