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CICS TOP 150 Interview Question and Answers. |
These CICS Interview Questions have been designed particularly to get you familiar with the nature of questions you may encounter during your interview for IT Job.
Q.1 What happens to resources supplied to a transaction when an XCTL command is executed?
A With an XCTL, the working storage and procedure division of the program issuing XCTL are released. The I/O areas, the GETMAIN areas and the chained Linkage Section areas (Commarea from a higher level) remain. All existing locks and queues also remain in effect. With a LINK, however program storage is also saved, since the transaction expects to return and use it again.
Q.2 What CICS command do you need to obtain the user logon-id?
A You must code EXEC CICS ASSIGN with OPERID option.
Q.3 What is a resident program?
A A program or map loaded into the CICS nucleus so that it is kept permanently in main storage and not deleted when CICS goes "short on storage."
Q.4 What is some of the information available in the EIB area?
A The cursor position in the map are :
· Transaction id
· Terminal id
· Task number
· Length of the communication area
· Current date and time
· Attention identifier
Q.5 What information can be obtained from the EIBRCODE?
A The EIBRCODE tells the application program if the last CICS command was executed successfully and if not, why not.
Q.6 What is the effect of including the TRANSID in the EXEC CICS RETURN command?
A Next time the end user presses an attention key, CICS will start the transaction specified in the TRANSID option.
Q.7 What is the function of the EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION command?
A To specify the paragraph or program label to which control is to be passed if the "handled condition" occurs.
Q.8 How many conditions can you include in a single HANDLE CONDITION command?
A No more than 16 in a single handle condition. If you need more, then you must code another HANDLE CONDITION command.
A It allows the establishing of an exit so cleanup processing can be done in the event of abnormal task termination.
Q.10 What is the difference between an EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION and an EXEC CICS IGNORE command?
A A HANDLE CONDITION command creates a "go-to” environment. An IGNORE command does not create a go-to environment; instead it gives control back to the next sequential instruction following the command causing condition. They are opposites.
Q.11 What happens when a CICS command contains the NOHANDLE option?
A No action is going to be taken for any exceptional condition occurring during the execution of this command. The abnormal condition that occurred will be ignored even if an EXEC CICS HANDLE condition exists. It has the same effect as EXEC CICS IGNORE condition except that it will not cancel the previous HANDLE CONDITION for any other command.
Q.12 What happens when a CICS command contains the RESP option?
A. No action is going to be taken for any exceptional condition occurring during the execution of this command. When an abnormal condition occurs, the CICS response code is a field in the program work area and can be checked later (usually at the next sequential instruction).
Q.13 Suppose that an application program uses the HANDLE AID ENTER (main-logic) and the HANDLE CONDITION ERROR(abort-rtn) command. If the program issued a RECEIVE MAP and a MAPFAIL condition occurred, which process will take control : main-logic or abort-rtn?
A Main-logic will receive control because Handle Aid has priority over Handle Condition.
Q.13 When the task suspends all handle conditions via. the PUSH command, how does the task re-activate all the handle conditions?
A By coding an EXEC CICS POP HANDLE command.
Q.14 What is the difference between the INTO and the SET option in EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP commands?
A The INTO option moves information in the TIOA into the reserved specified area, while the SET option simply returns the address of TIOA to the specified BLL cell or "address-of" a linkage section.
Q.15 Define the function of Basic Mapping System (BMS).
A BMS allows the application to be device-independent. It translates the formatted data stream, thus enabling the application to reference data by symbolic labels.
Q.16 Suppose you have a field in a map named ACCTID and you want it bright. Explain how can you do this during the execution of application?
A By moving either DHFBMBRY to the ACCTIDA field in symbolic map (bright only) or DFHBMASB to the ACCTIDA field in the symbolic map (askip bright).
Q.17 What are the three ways available for a program to position the cursor on the screen ?
A 1. Static positioning. Code the insert cursor (IC) in the DHFMDF BMS macro.
2. Relative positioning. Code the CURSOR option with a value relative to zero (position 1,1 is zero).
3. Symbolic positioning. Move high values or -1 to the field length in the symbolic map (and code CURSOR on the SEND command).
Q.18 Reducing the data traffic is a very important factor in an on-line environment. Explain the difference between the MAPONLY and DATAONLY options in the EXEC CICS SEND MAP.
A A vast majority of the maps are defined as input/output. Therefore, to reduce data transmission first time a map is sent, you should use MAPONLY because this will set up the initial template on screen. After that the application needs to be sent only variable data in the symbolic map (DATAONLY).
Q.19 What is the Modified Data Tag (MDT)?
A The MDT is a 1-bit attribute character of a BMS field. When it is set on, CICS will transmit the data contained in the associated map field.
Q.20 Name three ways the Modified Data Tag can be set on?
A: The Modified Data Tag can be set on :
1. When the user enters data into the field
2. When the application program moves the DFHBMSFSE to the attribute character
3. By defining it in the BMS macro definition
Q.21 How do you specify in your program which fields are not to be sent to a map (terminal)?
A By filling the fields with low values.
Q.22 What happens if neither MAPONLY nor DATAONLY are specified?
A The data from the physical map and the data from the symbolic map are merged, causing an increase in the data transmission.
Q.23 What is a mapset?
A A mapset is a collection of BMS maps link-edited together.
Q.24 What is the function of the DFHMDF BMS macro?
A The DFHMBF macro defines fields, literal and characteristics of a field.
Q.25 The DFHMDF is a subset (a subdivision) of which BMS macro?
A DFHMDF is a BMS macro that is a part of the DHFMDI macro.
Q.26 What is the function of Terminal Control Table (TCT)?
A The TCT defines the characteristics of each terminal with which CICS can communicate.
Q.27 When an application program issues an EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP command and there is no data sent back to the application program, what exceptional condition will occur?
A A MAPFAIL condition will occur.
Q.28 What does it mean when EIBCALEN is equal to zeros?
A When the length of communication area (EIBCALEN) is equal to zeros, it means that no data was passed to the application.
Q.30 Which CICS system program is responsible for handling automatic task initialization?
A: The Transient Data Program(TDP).
Q.31 What are the differences between a Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) and Transient Data Queue (TDQ)?
A The differences between a Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) and Transient Data Queue (TDQ) are :
· Temporary Storage Queue name are dynamically defined in the application program, while Temporary Data Queues must first be defined in the DCT (Destination Control Table).
· When a TDQ contains a certain amount of records (trigger level), a CICS transaction can be started automatically. This does not happen when using a TSQ.
· TDQ (extrapartition) may be used by batch by batch application; TSQ cannot be accessed in-batch. The Transient Data Queue is actually a QSAM file.
· You may update an existing item in a TSQ. A record in a TDQ cannot be updated.
· Records in TSQ can be read randomly. The TDQ can be read only sequentially.
· Records in Temporary Storage can be read more than once, while records stored in Temporary Data Queues cannot. With TDQs it is “one read” only.
Q.32 What will happen if a task issues an EXEC CICS DELETEQ TD against an Extrapartition Transient Data Queue?
A An invalid request exceptional condition will occur. The default action is that the task will be terminated.
Q.33 In an in-line environment, how can you prevent more than one user from accessing the same Transient Data Queue at the same time?
A By issuing an EXEC CICS ENQ against the resource. When processing is completed a DEQ should be executed.
Q.34 What are the eight steps for a CICS program development?
Get the complete specification
Get related sourcebooks and subprograms
Design the program
Update the CICS Tables
Code and compile the map definition
Code the program
Compile the program
Test the program.
Q.35 What is a PPT and how it is used?
A PPT contains a valid list of program names and it also indicates the storage address if the program has already been loaded. CICS uses PPT to determine whether it will load a new copy of the program if the program is invoked.
Q.36 Have you ever heard of SNT in CICS Processing?
Yes, it contains the names of all valid users of the system.
Q.37 What is the use of DFHCOMMAREA and where it is located?
It helps to transfer data between two transactions and it is located in the LINKAGE
Q.38 Are you familiar with CEMT and CSMT functions? What do these transactions do
for you?
These are normally supervisory functions, where they can be used to cancel tasks running
at a different terminal. CSMT is used to update PPT. But I never had much chance to
use them.
Q.39 What transaction will you use to debug a CICS Program?
CEDF, which means CICS Execution Diagnostic facility.
Q.40 What XCTL and LINK command is used for?
XCTL command transfers control to another program without setting up a return mechanism
whereas the LINK command transfers control to next logical lower level with a return
Q.41 Why the EXEC CICS HANDLE command is used?
It is used to specify what action the program needs to take when certain exceptional conditions occur.
Q.44 Is there any way of releasing a resource previously enqueued by a task other than by issuing an EXEC CICS DEQ command?
A: You can issue a SYNCPOINT command. You can also RETURN control to CICS, as CICS automatically release a resource when a task is terminated.
Q.45 When an application is invoked via. the EXEC CICS START command with the FROM option, how does the application gain access to the common area?
A An EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command will access the common area.
Q.46 What happens when an EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT is issued?
A The Logical Unit of Work (LUW) is terminated. Everything on the Deferred Work Element (DWE) chain is cleaned up. If Dynamic Transaction Backout (DTB) is on, everything is committed. GETMAIN areas are freed. File locks are released. I/O areas and linkage sections are released. Browses are terminated. Working storage is not affected.
Q.47 What is a Logical Unit of Work?
A: A Logical Unit of Work is all the processing that takes place between two "sync points."
Q.48 The DFHCOMMAREA is used to pass information from one application to another. What are some other ways that this function can be accomplished?
A You can also pass information in the following ways :
· By using a Temporary Storage Queue
· By using an intrapartition TDQ
· By using the Task Work Area
· By using TCTUA
· Through a file
Q.49 How do you define a Task Work Area?
A. By defining it in on the PCT (the Program Control Table).
Q.50 What is stored in the Temporary Storage Table?
A The TST contains the names of Temporary Storage Queues that are to be recovered in the event of an abend.
Q.51 What information do you get when an EXEC ASSIGN STARTCODE is issued?
A: You will be able to determine if the application was started by :
· a transient data trigger level (QD)
· a START command (S,SD)
· user (U) or terminal input (TD)
· Distributed Program Link (D, DS)
Q.52 Which CICS command must be issued by the application in order to gain access to the Common Work Area (CWA)?
Q.53 In which CICS table would you specify the length of TASK WORK AREA (TWA)?
A In the Program Control Table (PCT).
Q.54 Explain the function performed by the Program Control Table (PCT)?
A The PCT defines relationship between a transaction and an application program.
Q.55 When a data table is loaded into memory using the EXEC LOAD command, how does the application program free that memory when the table is no longer needed?
A By coding an EXEC CICS RELEASE command with the program option.
Q.56 What is the function of HOLD option in the EXEC CICS LOAD command?
A When a program is loaded from the CICS DFHRPL concatenation library (into main storage), the HOLD option will result in the program remaining in memory after the task terminates. When this option is not specified, main storage is automatically released by CICS.
Q.57 Explain the function of the File Control Program (FCP)?
A. The FCP provides the application program with the ability to read, browse, add, delete, and update records in a file defined in the FCT.
Q.58 What is the function of File Control Table?
A It defines the file and contains characteristics of the dataset.
Q.59 If an application has a VSAM/KSDS file READ command with the update option and it finds that the update is no longer required, how does the application release the exclusive control of the record read?
A By executing an EXEC CICS UNLOCK command with the File or Dataset option. A SYNCPOINT will also release the exclusive control.
Q.60 What is a deadlock?
A Deadlock (also known as a "deadly embrace") occurs when a task is waiting for a resource held by another task which in turn is waiting for a resource held by the first task.
Q.61 Which CICS program is responsible for the management of DSA (the Dynamic Storage Area)?
A The storage Control Program (SCP).
Q.62 What happens when an application issues an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command to obtain main storage and SHARED option is specified?
A: There is no automatic release of the obtained storage at the end of task which requested it.
Q.63 How can an application release main storage acquired by an EXEC CICS GETMAIN command?
A By coding an EXEC CICS FREEMAIN command with the data. SYNCPOINT will also release the storage area.
Q.64 What is the function of the REQID in the EXEC CICS STARTBR command?
A When you have multiple browse operations at the same time on the same file, the REQID must be coded on the READ Next/Prev command to distinguish one browse from the other.
Q.65 Which CICS command must the application program issue to terminate a browse?
A An EXEC CICS ENDR command. SYNCPOINT also ends the browse.
Q.66 What is the function of the EXEC CICS RESETBR Command?
A To reposition the browse (with VSAM files this can be done just by altering the RIDFLD) and to change the characteristics specified on the STARTBR command without ending the browse.
Q.67 When debugging a CICS application, why would you use the CEBR command?
A To view the contents of the TSQ or TDQ.
Q.68 Mention some of the most common operations you can perform with the CEMT CICS transaction?
A Create a new copy of an application program CEMT S PR(prgname) NEW
Close a file from CICS CEMT S DA(filename) CLO UNE
Disable a transaction CEMT S TRANS(transid) Dis
Q.69 What is the function of the CEDA transaction?
A It is used to perform the Resource Definition on-line operation (RDO). It adds, deletes, and changes table entries.
Q.70 What CICS command does the application have to issue to update an existing record in a VSAM/KSDS file?
Q.71 What CICS command does the application have to issue to update an existing record in a TS queue?
A The EXEC CICS WRITE command with the rewrite option and the item number.
Q.72 What is the purpose of CICS BIF DEEDIT?
A. To remove all characters other than digits from an alphanumeric field. Remaining digits will be right-justified and padded with zeros as necessary.
Q.73 What is the Base Locator for Linkage (BLL) used for?
A The BLL is used to address storage outside the working-storage section of the application program. A set of BLL cells is also known as the parameter list. It is not used (explicitly) in COBOI II, although the BLL cells can be found in the TGT of a COBOL II program.
Q.74 Explain the term "transaction routing".
A Transaction routing is a CICS "mode" of intercommunication which allows a terminal connected to local CICS to execute another transaction owned by a remote CICS.
Q.75 Explain the term "function request shipping".
A Function request shipping is one of the CICS modes of intercommunication which allows an application program in a local CICS to access resources owned by a remote CICS.
Q.76 Explain the term "MRO" (Multi-Region Operation)?
A: MRO is the mechanism by which different CICS address spaces within the same CPU can communicate and share resources.
Q.77 If, when executing a "READ INTO" command, the length of actual (variable) length record exceeds the length specified in LENGTH option, what will happen (if anything)?
A You will get a LENGERR.
Q.78 When a second READ WITH UPDATE is given against the same file in the stripe task prior to releasing the file, what will happen?
A An INVREQ will take place.
Q.79 How could you prevent such an error?
A After the first read and prior to the second read you could :
Execute a REWRITE
Q.80 Name one condition that would result in the inability to execute a backward browse?
A If you issue a STARTBR with a generic key, a backward browse will not work.
Q.81 Name one condition that would result in the inability to execute a backward browse?
A If you issue a STARTBR with a generic key, a backward browse will not work.
Q.82 You have duplicate keys and you have loaded an alternate index into RIDFLD. What would happen if you issued a READNEXT after switching from a direct retrieval read?
A You would get the same record twice.
Q.83 You are doing a mass delete using a generic key. What could you do to determine the number of records that have been deleted?
A You would use the NUMREC (data area) option with the generic key. Upon completion of the mass delete, the data area would contain a count of the number of records that were deleted.
Q.84 How should the data area used with the NUMREC option be defined?
A S9(4) COMP.
Q.85 Which command will terminate a VSAM mass insert operation?
A An UNLOCK command.
Q.86 Which command(s) will deblock DAM files?
A DEBKEY will deblock by key. DEBREC will deblock by relative record number.
Q.87 What could cause you to get an INVREQ when building a logical message to a screen?
A You have changed the disposition specified while building a logical message.
Q.88 What could cause you to get a MAPFAIL when issuing a RECEIVE MAP command?
A You would get a MAPFAIL if no data was transferred from the screen.
Q.89 What command would you issue if you wanted to discontinue building a logical message?
A You would issue a PURGE MESSAGE command.
Q.90 Can you intermix a SEND TEXT and a SEND MAP when building portions of a logical message?
A No, you cannot intermix these two commands.
Q.91 How do you release page buffers?
A By issuing a FREEMAIN command.
Q.91 What do you have to do to determine if data was sent (from a screen) from a specific (single) field?
A You have to check the MDT for that field.
Q.92 Which command would you issue to get data in a task that was started by a START command?
A You would issue a RETRIEVE command.
Q.93 What would happen if you issued a READNEXT TS command and there were no more data in the queue?
A You would get an ITEMERR.
Q.94 You have a DL/I file and you want to issue a READPREV. Will it work correctly?
A You can issue a READPREV only against a VSAM file.
Q.95 Can you issue a BROWSE command in a CICS program that is pseudo conversational?
A Yes, but the BROWSE will terminate at the end of each task in the session, it will not carry over.
Q.96 What are the two ways to "set up” a browse starting with the first record in the file?
A You can :
· Set the complete key equal to hex zeros (the default option is GTEQ).
· You can specify KEYLENGTH(0) and GENERIC options.
Q.97 In a VSAM file, when you want to do a mass delete, the file has to be unprotected. How can you specify to the system that a file is unprotected?
A In the FCT you set LOG = NO.
Q.98 When you are sending your first data screen to the terminal, it is recommended that you specify the ERASE option. Why?
A If you do not include the ERASE option, the screen size will be the same as the previous screen size setting ... and this may not be correct. There may also be material on the screen which would remain if not overlaid by fields of your map.
Q.99 Which key, if depressed by the terminal operator, will set the screen size to its default size?
A The CLEAR key.
Q.100 Does a HANDLE CONDITION command take precedence over a HANDLE AID command?
A No, the HANDLE AID takes precedence.
Q.101 What does the BMS ROUTE command do?
A The ROUT E command initiates the building of a logical message that will be scheduled for delivery to one or more terminals.
Q.102 What has happened if you abend with an “APCT"?
A The program tried to execute a program that was either :
· Not defined in the PPT or active RDO group
· Disabled
Q.103 What does the ERASEUP command do?
A The ERASEUP command includes :
· Clears all MDTs
· Unlocks the keyboard
· Erases all unprotected fields
· Positions the cursor at the first unprotected field
Q.104 What will happen if you issue an XCTL or a LINK and the called program cannot be found?
A: You will get a PGMIDERR.
Q.105 What happens to the exception (HANDLE CONDITION, HANDLE ABEND, HANDLE AID) condition settings in a called routine once control has been transferred to the called routine?
A Once you are in the called routine, all condition settings are deactivated.
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