Wednesday 10 April 2019

How to schedule a job for a specific system?

How to schedule a job for a specific system?
As you might be aware, JES2 and JES3 can be used to manage a multiprocessor network that consists of more than one system.

In a multiprocessor network, each system operates under the control of its own copy of OS/390 or ZOS. 

However, the JES components of each processor’s operating system are connected in various ways to the JES components of the other processors, and a common spool is used to service all the processors in the network.

IBM Architecture.
IBM Mainframe Architecture 

As a result, JES2 and JES3 can control how jobs are processed by the systems within the multiprocessor network.
  • The term system affinity can be used to describe the relationship between a job and the system on which it executes.
  • Under JES2, you use the SYSAFF parameter of the /*JOBPARM statement to specify system affinity. 
  • Under JES3, you use the SYSTEM parameter of the //*MAIN statement.

The global processor is the processor that’s in charge of the entire network. A local processor is one that’s controlled by the global processor.

The syntax for the SYSAFF parameter of the JES2 /*JOBPARM statement

SYSAFF= {*} {(system-name,…)} {ANY}



The job will run on the system that reads it (the default).


A one- to four-character system-id defined in the multiprocessor network that identifies which processor will run the job. If more than one system-name is specified, the job can run on any one of the processors listed.


The job can run on any available processor.

The syntax for the SYSTEM parameter of the JES3 //*MAIN statement

SYSTEM= {[/](main-name,…)} {JGLOBAL} {JLOCAL} {ANY} 



A system-id defined in the multiprocessor network that identifies which processor will be used to run the job. If more than one main-name is specified, the job can run on any one of the processors listed.


The job can run on any processor except the one(s) listed.


The job must run on the global processor.


The job can run on any local processor.


The job can run on any available processor.

Specifying system affinity

Under JES2


Under JES3


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